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Become a Certified Hockey FIT Coach

Complete the Hockey FIT Coach Workshop:

The workshop is run by the Central Research Team.  Our team will walk you through the Hockey FIT program, teaching you the ins and outs of how to deliver the program through a fun and interactive workshop.

The Hockey Fans in Training Course is officially recognized by YMCA Canada.  Facilitation or participation in this course will qualify those individuals with YMCA Canada Continuing Education Credits (CEC’s) which will count towards  in their recertification efforts.

Contact us for more details –

Stay Tuned

Fans In Training (FIT) Online Coach Training: Currently Under Construction

We are in the process of developing online course modules to better support our coaches. These modules walk through the Hockey FIT program, with self-checks to help test your knowledge. Complete the quiz at the end of the training modules to get your Hockey FIT coach certificate.